Metrobank Unit Investment Trust Funds

Metrobank offers Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs) that let you invest with the help of Metrobank’s financial experts.

Unlike deposit accounts, UITFs do not grow your money through interest. Instead, the money you invest in them grows depending on growth in the value of the assets in the fund you select after a period of time.

Based on the strategy of a qualified fund manager, each fund invests in higher-tier financial assets such as stocks, corporate notes, government securities, or high-yielding deposits.

You have several funds that you can choose from, each designed to help you meet a certain financial goal. Here are the kinds of Metrobank UITFs:

Fund of Funds (PHP)

This fund allows you to use your Philippine Pesos to access global markets and relevant themes that have potential to gain above market returns over the long term.

Metro Multi-Themed Equity Fund of Funds

Aspire Funds (PHP)
These are funds that help you build up the habit of investing because you can start investing for an affordable amount and auto-invest monthly for at least two years.
Metro Aspire Bond Feeder Fund
Metro Aspire Balanced Feeder Fund
Metro Aspire Equity Feeder Fund

Fixed Income Funds (PHP and USD)
These are funds that allow you to protect and grow the money you’ve been saving up for future expenses by investing in time deposits, government securities, or corporate bonds. They are good for short-term (30 days to one year) or medium-term (one to five years) goals.
Metro Money Market Fund
Metro Short Term Fund
Metro Max-3 Bond Fund
Metro Max-5 Bond Fund
Metro Corporate Bond Fund
Metro Unit Paying Fund
Metro$ Money Market Fund
Metro$ Short Term Fund
Metro$ Max-5 Bond Fund
Metro$ Asian Investment Grade Bond Fund

Balanced and Equity Funds (PHP and USD)
These are funds that let you pursue a wealthy future through capital appreciation by investing in either a mix of bonds and stocks or in stocks only. They are good for long-term (five or more years) goals.
Metro Balanced Fund
Metro Equity Fund
Metro Philippine Equity Index Tracker Fund
Metro High Dividend Yield Unit Paying Fund

Feeder Funds (PHP and USD)
These are funds that let you invest your Philippine Pesos and US dollars in the international markets through units of global funds.
Metro Clean Energy Equity Feeder Fund
Metro$ World Equity Feeder Fund
Metro$ US Equity Feeder Fund
Metro$ Eurozone Equity Feeder Fund
Metro$ Japan Equity Feeder Fund
Metro$ US Investment Grade Corporate Bond Feeder Fund
Metro$ China Equity Feeder Fund

PERA Funds (PHP)
These are funds that let you set aside and invest money for a comfortable retirement by investing in assets which are tax-exempt in accordance with the PERA Law.
Metrobank PERA Money Market Fund
Metrobank PERA Bond Fund
Metrobank PERA Equity Fund

Learn more about:

My Choice Investment funds

UITF Product Highlights

Unit Investment Trust Funds (UITFs) are NEITHER deposits account NOR obligations of, NOR guaranteed, NOR insured by the METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST COMPANY or its affiliates or subsidiaries. UITFs are not covered by the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC) and do not offer a guaranteed return or yield. Any income or loss arising from market fluctuations and price volatility of the securities held by the UITF, even if invested in government securities, is for the account of the investor/s. As such, units of participation of the investor/s when redeemed, may be worth more than or less than his/her initial investment/principal. Historical performance is purely for reference purposes and is not an assurance of future performance. The Trustee is not liable for investment losses unless such was incurred upon willful default, bad faith or gross negligence.

Prospective clients undergo a profiling process to determine their suitability to invest in a particular UITF based on their investment objectives and risk tolerance. Clients are advised to read the Declaration of Trust/Plan Rules of the Fund, which may be obtained from the Trustee, before making a decision to invest.

Investors in the UITF are susceptible to different kinds of risks with varying degrees depending on the underlying securities of the UITF they choose and a clear understanding of these risks must be established before any investment is made. A detailed explanation of these risks may be found in the Key Information and Investment Disclosure Statement (KIIDS) of each UITF.

Fees other than the Trust/Management Fee, such as External Audit and Custodianship Fees are described more thoroughly in the Key Information and Investment Disclosure Statement (KIIDS) of the Funds..

Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). For any inquiries and complaints relating to Trust Products and Services, you may 1) call our hotline: 88-700-700, (2) send an email to customercare@metrobank.com.ph; or 3) visit/call/email your assigned Trust Sales Officer or the Branch Manager of your servicing branch. You may also file complaints at BSP Financial Consumer Protection Department at (632) 8708-7087 or consumeraffairs@bsp.gov.ph. To know your rights under BSP Circular No. 857 (Regulations on Financial Consumer Protection), please access a copy at the BSP website (www.bsp.gov.ph).